
Our Impact

We are proud to say that since we got started, we have supported more women of color than we imagined possible! Through our online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, we have made it a goal of ours to make sure we engage our community in helping one another through hard times. To date, we have raised over $20,000 for women of color in need of support and help. That total includes things such as school supplies for their kids, medical bills, help fleeing abusive situations or domestic violence, and so much more. To be able to gather our community in this way and to watch the support flow in has been inspiring to our team and we will continue to provide this support to womxn of color for as long as they need it.

Since September 2017, the Three Token Brown Girls community has gone from 130 community members to 30,000 and counting. Our platforms have given voice to people living in the margins of our communities all across the globe and have served as a space where these people will not be spoken over or silenced. In a world where justice is still difficult to attain and many forms of oppression still hold a huge weight over communities and individuals, it is important for us to create a place where those experiences could be heard and honored. Even more, we have served as a community for privileged folks and allies who want to learn more and do better for themselves and for their communities. Our impact has spanned over 30,000 community members and over $20,000 in support funding and that is something we are incredibly proud of!